Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books

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Paper VUPSC has brought changes to the Civil Services Mains examination in both the pattern and the syllabus. We know that now there are 4 General Studies Papers apart from one Essay and Optional paper each. This article discusses preparation strategy for General Studies 2 i. Paper IIIBefore you start reading further, please remember the following important mantra given by the  Almighty UPSC The questions are likely to test the candidates basic understanding of all relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio economic goals, objectives and demands. The candidates must give relevant, meaningful and succinct answers. This sentence is the guiding light for your preparation. You dont have to master the topics, all you need is BASIC UNDERSTANDING and the ability to analyze. Basic understanding comes from reading and re reading. Ability to analyze what you have understood from reading comes from WRITING PRACTICE. Two important things fundamental to your exam preparation Get familiar with all the topics and sub topics by writing them many times they should be  strongly etched in your memory. Keep a copy of the syllabus always near you no matter where you are. Now, how to deal with GS 2 Assuming you are now familiar with the syllabus of GS 1, we will discuss a topic by topic what to read, from where to read and what not to read for these topics. Broad Syllabus Of GS 2 is Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations. Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' title='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' />Before you start preparing for this paper, please read following NCERT texts, which might take 2 3 days of your time. NCERT Class XI India Constitution At Work. NCERT Class XII  Political Science IINCERT Class X  Democratic Politics. TOPIC 1 Indian Constitution historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure. This part is very useful both for Prelims and Mains. Best book to study this section is D. D. Basus Introduction To The Constitution Of India First 5 chaptersin this book exclusively deal with this part of the syllabus. For Basic Structure, These two articles might help you. Basic Structure of the constitution revisited  The Hindu PDF2 The Basic Structure of the constitution PDFTOPIC 2. Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein. One good source to get the critical perspective about these topics is Report of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission, named Organizational Structure Of Government of India 1. ReportFor devolution of finances to local bodies, Read This. Dont look anywhere elseFor the concept part read  Laxmikants Indian Polity. Buy the new updated  4th edition. Chapters 1. But Mains demands not only basic understanding of these topics, but your critical and analytic abilities to answer questions on these topics. So, try to relate these concepts to current event topics and write small articles. ARC reports will help you in this regard. Eg. Though devolution of funds, functionaries and functions is taking place in the local governments, development is still a mirage in many parts of India. Critically analyze. TOPIC 3. Separation of powers between various organs, dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions. BASICS Public Grievances and Redressal Mechanism. This topic is a dynamic portion we read lot about conflict between the Judiciary and the Executive to answer dynamic topics, one should first understand the constitutional provisions, redressal measures with the constitution, checks and balances provided in the constitution etc. ARC reports come to the rescue again. ARC named Capacity Building for Conflict Resolution talks elaborately on various issues such as Left Wing Extremism, Regional Disparities, Land and Water related issues, SC and ST issues, Religious conflicts and North East conflicts which involve numerous institutions in the conflict management and resolution. Later, scan current events and find any latest instances of conflict between any constitutional bodies, or between a constitutional body and statutory body. Again, concepts can be studied either from D. D. Basu or Laxmikat. TOPIC 4. Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries. A book by S.  Chand Select Constitutions of the world is famous among Law students. This covers this topic comprehensively. One should be careful to not to study this topic in depth. In case you can afford to buy costly book D. D. Basus Classic on the Indian Constitution Shorter Constitution Of India not only covers all above topics, it also covers the present topic. Few links that might help Try to know some basics about the New Constitutionsreforms being framedbrought out in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Pakistan. Again, emphasis should be on relating all these topics to the current eventsTOPIC 5. Parliament and State Legislatures  structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers privileges and issues arising out of these. To cover this topic, one stop source is Subhash Kashyps Our Parliament. Why this book Because it is written by someone who worked inside the Parliament for most of his career, and this book gives a detailed idea about the functioning of our Parliament as the above topic suggests, you should be familiar with all aspects of our Parliament. This books is cheap, and is highly readable with lot of insightsTOPIC 6. Structure, organization and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the Government Pressure Groups and formalinformal associations and their role in the Polity. Free Download Construction Cost Estimating Software there. BASICS Again, Laxmikant is enough for this topic. Regarding pressure groups informal associations recent activism shown by Civil society, conflict with the government and other such topics should be studied in depth. TOPIC 7 Salient features of the Representation of Peoples Act. First read this beautiful article by Yogendra Yadav. PDFThis topic has generated more heat in the past and present eg, office of profit bill, anti defection bill, electoral reforms bill etc. This topic should be. Recent supreme court ruling disqualifying MPs and MLAs with criminal background, and current topics like this should be studied carefully. TOPIC 8 and 9. Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies. Statutory, regulatory and various quasi judicial bodies. Read Laxmikant for this part. Part VII,VIII and IX of this book completely covers these topics. This part of the syllabus has given rise to some contentious issues such as political interference in the appointment to various constitutional posts and statutory bodies. Eg EC, CBI, CVC, CAG, SC, Governors, Lokayukta, Lokpal if it comes into existence etc. So, read this topic keeping in mind these above issues. As I said before, you need to read all the above topics with an analytical perspective. To provide you with this, there is a wonderful book published by Oxford University Press and authored by Pratap Bhanu Mehta, named Public Institutions in India Performance and Design, will be immensely useful. A Response to Dr. B. M. Hegdes Article in The Hindu. This article is a rebuttal to the article Modern Medicine Has Given Illness Care a Miss by Dr. B. M. Hegde in the Open Page of The Hindu, dated February 1. The piece is in fact recycled from this almost identical piece by him from November 2. Dr. Hegde begins his article with some quotations by famous people, and offers them as evidence that medicine in the past was better than it is today The quote below is one of the many brilliant sayings of that great brain, Sir William Osler. One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicines. Photo by Seattle Municipal ArchivesFlickr Creative CommonsDr. Hegde, I guess you forgot to mention that this was intended for the quacks who call their wares medicine. I challenge you to never take any medicines. Also, William Osler has also said this The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism. In the 2. I could only echo that great sentiment as a truism, despite all the tall talk about the so called evidence based medicine. Napoleon Bonaparte went one step further, but one could argue that he was not a physician. He was at the receiving end of such a medical practice when he died. Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind. Napoleon, though, was more accurate scientifically today. The thing to remember is the time when these people made those alleged comments. What was medicine then It was not what we have today There was not much useful or factual there in Medicine in those days. It involved primitive practices like Leeching, Blood letting, Purging, etc. No wonder people tried to come up with all kinds of alternatives. Evidence Based Scientific Medicine EBSM has marched on tremendously in the past 1. If I could point out a proverb in Tamil, Aayiram paerai konnaathaan, ara vaithiyan its only when you kill a thousand people that one can become even half a doctor that was medicine for you in those days. Trial and error no proper scientific methodology. That was the basis of your ancient medicine. The latest science says uncertainty is the only certainty in the world. This is truer in medical science. Really Is there any uncertainty about what causes MalariaOr Tuberculosis Or what is the reason for Downs syndrome or the fact that Rickets is caused by Vitamin D deficiency, or that Nyctalopia Night blindnesss is caused by Vitamin A deficiency I wonder which medical science you are talking about. I am sure you are referring to the medical science of S. C. A. M. s So called Complementary Alternative Medicines and not Evidence Based Scientific Medicine EBSM. A proverb is a short sentence based on a long experience. If that were so, this one from Voltaire would take the cake The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. Again, just imagine what was the level of advancement of medicine during Voltaires times, viz. That would explain why the great man said that. The same Voltaire has also said, A witty saying proves nothing. Time and again, I have written in my articles elsewhere that our evidence base has been built on loose sand. Have you provided any good evidence for this allegationEven assuming it is built on loose sand, that doesnt mean you start questioning its basic principles. Games Pc Need Speed Most Wanted Full Version here. Our endeavour must be to strengthen the foundation, to tighten that loose sand. The evidence base is the ONLY way to a better system. And as with everything scientific, the evidence base is not any infallible and unquestionable dogma The quest for betterment is a never ending process that is constantly scrutinized rigorously and in the process ironing out the flaws, accepting newer evidence and discarding proven false or spurious evidence. Perhaps you can read about Barry Marshall to find out how important it is to provide evidence before your hypothesis is taken seriously. Of course, no one seems to take it seriously. Yes sirThey would have, if it had any financial interest behind it. I knew this was coming The present Randomised Controlled Trials and linear relations help generate billions of dollars in chemical therapeutics even if that results in thousands dying of our efforts directly or indirectly. A study by researchers in a respectable U. S. university of the placebo based RCTs did show that the contents of the placebo capsule, which need not legally be made known to the regulating agencies like the FDA, were very potent substances that would show the company drug as very effective in comparison. To cite an example, anti diabetic drugs are usually compared with sugar filled placebo capsules Many such glaring criminal activities have come to light now in the field of Evidence based medicine of today Image via Flickr user Tulane Public Relations by Creative Commons License. Do you realize what you have just said I hope you are blaming the individual trials and not the method. If its the former, then you are entitled and even upright about it but in case you are trying to deride the method itself then I am afraid that your argument is a weak one. Perhaps you didnt notice this Even this information bringing to light the despicable act of manipulating trials to show the desired end results, was a result of another study which was again scientificI would like to point out once again that SCIENCE IS SELF CORRECTING. There is nothing dogmatic about science. That is the beauty of Evidence Based science. Even the fact that there were some unscrupulous practices going on was found out because of the rigorous, unyielding and unbiased methods of science. Recently, I had a message from one of my students, who is a leading dermatologist in India doing innovative research. I always wondered when I used to listen to you during my student days and respected your views all along. In dermatology evidence is found only in 2. All molecular biology companies come with an offer to give authorship if we buy their equipment for our laboratory Doesnt that mean that most molecular biology studies are prototype and try to find out how what is known fits into their studySo what Really, so what How can that equate to Evidence Based Scientific Medicine is flawed The evidence in this case is bad. And let me reassure you that the inherent, self correcting methods of science will iron out the flaws in due course of time. Havent you heard of drugs being recalled, for example There is a regulatory body, and perhaps there may be evil, corrupt individuals in those. But all of them are accountable and they eventually get found out, sooner rather than later. The foundations of our evidence in modern medicine like the statistical risk calculations, especially the relative risk reductions in place of absolute risk reductions that are sold to gullible doctors in most of the scientific articles without mentioning the NNT figures and, the RCTs, which have no true science base, are very shaky, indeed. Now are you accusing the foundation itself to be flawed I agree that the Big, Evil Pharma companies might indulge in these kinds of shady activities. But have you ever wondered why they still keep talking in terms of RCTs, etc That is because these are the only methods to assess efficacy accurately.