Javascript Tree Menu

JavascriptTreeMenuJavascript Tree MenuClick here for comprehensive JavaScript tutorials, and over 400 free scripts Sothink provide web design tools such as DHTML Menu to create drop down menu, Tree Menu to make tree menu easy, Javascript Web Scroller creates image scroller, news. Looking for quality and affordable home services Use Tree Menu to find a great price. Save you time and money on your project, start nowDOM tree. The backbone of an HTML document is tags. According to Document Object Model DOM, every HTML tag is an object. Nested tags are called children of the enclosing one. The text inside a tag it is an object as well. All these objects are accessible using Java. Script. For instance, lets explore the DOM for this document lt Javascript Tree MenuDOCTYPE HTML. About elkslt title. The truth about elks. The DOM represents HTML as a tree structure of tags. Heres how it looks On the picture above, you can click on element nodes and their children will opencollapse. Tags are called element nodes or just elements. Nested tags become children of the enclosing ones. As a result we have a tree of elements lt html is at the root, then lt head and lt body are its children etc. The text inside elements forms text nodes, labelled as text. A text node contains only a string. 5 Game Jackie Chan Stunt Master Pc Full. It may not have children and is always a leaf of the tree. For instance, the lt title tag has the text About elks. Please note the special characters in text nodes a newline in Java. Script known as na space Spaces and newlines are totally valid characters, they form text nodes and become a part of the DOM. So, for instance, in the example above the lt head tag contains come spaces before lt title, and that text becomes a text node it contains a newline and some spaces only. There are only two top level exclusions Spaces and newlines before lt head are ignored for historical reasons,If we put something after lt body, then that is automatically moved inside the body, at the end, as HTML spec requires that all content must be inside lt body. So there may be no spaces after lt body. In other cases everythings honest if there are spaces just like any character in the document, then they become text nodes in DOM, and if we remove them, then there wont be any. Here are no space only text nodes lt DOCTYPE HTML. About elkslt title lt head lt body The truth about elks. Edge spaces and in between empty text are usually hidden in tools. Browser tools to be covered soon that work with DOM usually do not show spaces at the startend of the text and empty text nodes line breaks between tags. Thats because they are mainly used to decorate HTML, and do not affect in most cases how it is shown. On further DOM pictures well sometimes omit them where they are irrelevant, to keep things short. If the browser encounters malformed HTML, it automatically corrects it when making DOM. For instance, the top tag is always lt html. Even if it doesnt exist in the document it will be in DOM, the browser will create it. The same about lt body. As an example, if the HTML file is a single word Hello, the browser will wrap it into lt html and lt body, add the required lt head, and the DOM will be While generating DOM, browser automatically processes errors in the document, closes tags and so on. Sothink_Tree_Menu_builder.gif' alt='Javascript Tree Menu' title='Javascript Tree Menu' />Such an invalid document lt p Hello. DadWill become a normal DOM, as the browser read tags and restores the missing parts Tables always have lt tbody An interesting special case is tables. By the DOM specification they must have lt tbody, but HTML text may officially omit it. Then the browser creates lt tbody in DOM automatically. For the HTML lt table idtable lt tr lt td 1lt td lt tr lt table DOM structure will be You see The lt tbody has appeared out of nowhere. Should keep in mind while working with tables to avoid surprises. Lets add more tags and a comment to the page lt DOCTYPE HTML. The truth about elks. An elk is a smartlt li. Here we see a new tree node type comment node, labeled as comment. We may think why a comment is added to the DOM It doesnt affect the visual representation in any way. But theres a rule if somethings in HTML, then it also must be in the DOM tree. Everything in HTML, even comments, becomes a part of DOM. Even the lt DOCTYPE. HTML is also a DOM node. Its in the DOM tree right before lt html. We are not going to touch that node, we even dont draw it on diagrams for that reason, but its there. The document object that represents the whole document is, formally, a DOM node as well. There are 1. 2 node types. In practice we usually work with 4 of them document the entry point into DOM. University Of Pittsburgh Summer Programs For High School Students'>University Of Pittsburgh Summer Programs For High School Students. HTML tags, the tree building blocks. JS can read it from DOM. To see the DOM structure in real time, try Live DOM Viewer. Just type in the document, and it will show up DOM at an instant. Another way to explore DOM is to use browser developer tools. Actually, thats what we use when developing. To do so, open the web page elks. Elements tab. Should look like this You can see the DOM, click on elements, see their details and so on. Please note that the DOM structure in developer tools is simplified. Text nodes are shown just as text. And there are no blank space only text nodes at all. Thats fine, because most of the time we are interested in element nodes. Clicking the button in the left upper corner allows to choose a node from the webpage using a mouse or other pointer devices and inspect it scroll to it in the elements tab. Works great when we have a huge HTML page and would like to see the DOM of a particular place in it. Another way to do it would be just right clicking on a webpage and selecting Inspect in the context menu. At the right part of the tools there are following subtabs Styles we can see CSS applied to the current element rule by rule, including built in rules gray. Almost everything can be edited at place including the dimensionsmarginspaddings of the box below. Computed to see CSS applied to the element by property for each property we can see a rule that gives it including CSS inheritance and such. Event Listeners to see event listeners attached to DOM elements well cover them in the next part of the tutorial. The best way to study them is to click around. Most values are in place editable. As we explore the DOM, we also may want to apply Java. Script to it. Like get a node and run some code to modify it, to see how it looks. Here are few tips to travel between the Elements tab and the console. Select the first lt li in the Elements tab. Press Esc it will open console right below the Elements tab. Now the last selected element is available as 0, the previously selected is 1 etc. We can run commands on them. For instance, 0. From the other side, if were in console and have a variable referencing a DOM node, then we can use the command inspectnode to see it in the Elements pane. Or we can just output it in the console and explore at place, like document. Thats for debugging purposes of course. From the next chapter on well access and modify DOM using Java. Script. The browser developer tools are a great help in development we can explore DOM, try things and see what goes wrong. An HTMLXML document is represented inside the browser as the DOM tree. Tags become element nodes and form the structure. Text becomes text nodes. HTML has its place in DOM, even comments. We can use developer tools to inspect DOM and modify it manually. Here we covered the basics, most used and important actions to start with.