Gratis Programmeertaal

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For its use in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia Lua. Lua. Paradigm. Multi paradigm scripting, imperative procedural, prototype based, object oriented, functional. Designed by. Roberto Ierusalimschy. Free_Mind_thumb2.png?x44442' alt='Gratis Programmeertaal' title='Gratis Programmeertaal' />Gratis ProgrammeertaalOpenEMR is een open source programma om een elektronisch patintendossier te beheren. Scala is een objectfunctionele programmeer en scripttaal voor algemene toepassingen. Het is statisch getypeerd, ontworpen om oplossingen bondig uit te drukken, op. Leer zelf gratis een eigen website maken Op deze pagina leert u hoe u een gratis eigen website kan opstarten en beheren. Waldemar Celes. Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo. Recovery Manager Installer Patch Windows 7 on this page. First appeared. 19. Stable release. 5. January 2. 01. 7Typing disciplinedynamic, strong, duck. Implementation language. ANSI COSCross platform. License. MIT License. Websitewww. lua. org. Major implementations. Lua, Lua. JITDialects. Metalua, Idle, GSL Shell. Influenced by. C, CLU, Modula, Scheme, SNOBOLInfluenced. Falcon, Game. Monkey, Io, Java. Script, Julia, Mini. D, Red, Ruby, Squirrel, Moon. Script. Lua LOO, from Portuguese lualu. Lua is cross platform, since the interpreter is written in ANSI C,2 and has a relatively simple C API. Lua was originally designed in 1. It provided the basic facilities of most procedural programming languages, but more complicated or domain specific features were not included rather, it included mechanisms for extending the language, allowing programmers to implement such features. As Lua was intended to be a general embeddable extension language, the designers of Lua focused on improving its speed, portability, extensibility, and ease of use in development. HistoryeditLua was created in 1. Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Waldemar Celes, members of the Computer Graphics Technology Group Tecgraf at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. Garageband Instrument Packs. From 1. 97. 7 until 1. Brazil had a policy of strong trade barriers called a market reserve for computer hardware and software. In that atmosphere, Tecgrafs clients could not afford, either politically or financially, to buy customized software from abroad. Those reasons led Tecgraf to implement the basic tools it needed from scratch. Luas predecessors were the data descriptionconfiguration languages SOL Simple Object Language and DEL data entry language. They had been independently developed at Tecgraf in 1. Petrobras company. There was a lack of any flow control structures in SOL and DEL, and Petrobras felt a growing need to add full programming power to them. In The Evolution of Lua, the languages authors wrote 4In 1. Tcl, which had been explicitly designed to be embedded into applications. However, Tcl had unfamiliar syntax, did not offer good support for data description, and ran only on Unix platforms. We did not consider LISP or Scheme because of their unfriendly syntax. Python was still in its infancy. In the free, do it yourself atmosphere that then reigned in Tecgraf, it was quite natural that we should try to develop our own scripting language . Because many potential users of the language were not professional programmers, the language should avoid cryptic syntax and semantics. The implementation of the new language should be highly portable, because Tecgrafs clients had a very diverse collection of computer platforms. Finally, since we expected that other Tecgraf products would also need to embed a scripting language, the new language should follow the example of SOL and be provided as a library with a C API. Lua 1. 0 was designed in such a way that its object constructors, being then slightly different from the current light and flexible style, incorporated the data description syntax of SOL hence the name Lua Sol is also the Portuguese word for Sun, Lua being the word for Moon. Lua syntax for control structures was mostly borrowed from Modula if, while, repeatuntil, but also had taken influence from CLU multiple assignments and multiple returns from function calls, as a simpler alternative to reference parameters or explicit pointers, C neat idea of allowing a local variable to be declared only where we need it4, SNOBOL and AWK associative arrays. In an article published in Dr. Dobbs Journal, Luas creators also state that LISP and Scheme with their single, ubiquitous data structure mechanism the list were a major influence on their decision to develop the table as the primary data structure of Lua. Lua semantics have been increasingly influenced by Scheme over time,4 especially with the introduction of anonymous functions and full lexical scoping. Several features were added in new Lua versions. Versions of Lua prior to version 5. BSD license. From version 5. Lua has been licensed under the MIT License. Both are permissive free software licences and are almost identical. FeatureseditLua is commonly described as a multi paradigm language, providing a small set of general features that can be extended to fit different problem types. Lua does not contain explicit support for inheritance, but allows it to be implemented with metatables. Similarly, Lua allows programmers to implement namespaces, classes, and other related features using its single table implementation first class functions allow the employment of many techniques from functional programming and full lexical scoping allows fine grained information hiding to enforce the principle of least privilege. In general, Lua strives to provide simple, flexible meta features that can be extended as needed, rather than supply a feature set specific to one programming paradigm. As a result, the base language is lightthe full reference interpreter is only about 1. B compiled2and easily adaptable to a broad range of applications. Lua is a dynamically typed language intended for use as an extension or scripting language and is compact enough to fit on a variety of host platforms. It supports only a small number of atomic data structures such as boolean values, numbers double precision floating point and 6. Typical data structures such as arrays, sets, lists, and records can be represented using Luas single native data structure, the table, which is essentially a heterogeneous associative array. Lua implements a small set of advanced features such as first class functions, garbage collection, closures, proper tail calls, coercion automatic conversion between string and number values at run time, coroutines cooperative multitasking and dynamic module loading. The classic Hello, World program can be written as follows 7A comment in Lua starts with a double hyphen and runs to the end of the line, similar to that of Ada, Eiffel, Haskell, SQL and VHDL. Multi line strings comments are adorned with double square brackets. The factorial function is implemented as a function in this example functionfactorialnlocalx1fori2,ndoxxiendreturnxend. Control floweditLua has four types of loops the while loop, the repeat loop similar to a do while loop, the numeric for loop, and the generic for loop. The generic for loop forkey,valueinpairsGdoprintkey,valueendwould iterate over the table G using the standard iterator function pairs, until it returns nil.